Red Star Programme
This is our premium service for operators of technology. On a period basis, we ensure that the technology is 100% compliant with local laws and norms, including the suggested solutions from the local norms. With this product, we guarantee that every legal discrepancy is identified and every local legal requirement is fulfilled when the technology is operated to Czech or Slovak Republic and no further claims can be made regarding the required legal conditions. Furthermore we guarantee the correctness of all legally mandatory documentation and evaluation of all locally required tests.
This service is offered for periods of the time and includes periodical deep safety/operational audit according to local legislation, thus making sure that not only are all of the periodic revisions in order, but also that the all of the operational manuals are correctly made and any hidden deficiencies are identified and fixed when discovered. It is unacceptable to find the same fault several times in a row in period revision reports.
Ensure the compatibility of your technology with local Czech and Slovak legislation through our Validation Red Star programme.